Worship Ministry
The goal of the worship ministry is to help people of all ages enter the presence of our Holy, and Loving Lord. Worship is so much more than just music. We want to help you grow closer to the Father in your daily walk through worship.
Meet our Worship Pastor, Kevin Martin
Worship Ministry Opportunities
You will find multiple opportunities where you can get involved listed below:
Adult Choir is a great place of service and fellowship for adults. Rehearsal attendance and a love for singing praises to our Lord are the only requirements to be a member. As a worship-leading choir, our rehearsals focus on spiritual and musical preparation for Sunday worship. We also use the time to prepare for special events such as Christmas, Easter Passion Play & Patriotic presentations. All adults are welcome to come. We rehearse every Sunday evening from 5-6 pm in the sanctuary.
In the Fall of 2019, we kicked off a new ministry for students in grades 7-12. The Youth Choir rehearses on Sunday afternoons from 4-5 in the choir room located in the main building. The goal of this ministry is to engage students with songs that are musically relevant and spiritually challenging. Come be a part of this exciting new ministry!
This is a fun time of music, worship, and learning about God for kids ages 4 years old through 6th grade. They meet during the school year on Wednesday evenings from 6-7 upstairs in the Family Activity Center. Praise Time kids lead Sunday morning worship multiple times each year, as well as present musicals and other special events. If you would like your child to participate contact Jenny Maus – Praise Time Director.
The Sunday morning Praise Band is a select group of instrumentalists that serve our church in a unique way through a higher level of commitment and skill. We are always watching for God’s provision for new and different instrumentalists to incorporate as he leads people to the church. All interested musicians should contact Bro. Kevin Martin for specific requirements needed. We rehearse at various times once a week, as well as 8:00 am on Sunday mornings
The Passion Play is by far the biggest undertaking of the Worship Ministry each year. For almost 30 years we have presented the story of Christ’s life, death, and resurrection to our community on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings of Easter Weekend. This event involves people from all areas of our church. You can participate by being involved in: stage construction, singing, drama (speaking and non-speaking roles), helping backstage, special effects, costume design (sewing), security, after-show reception, as well as a host of other ways.
The annual Summer Music Camp is a highlight of the summer for many of our children ages Kindergarten through 6th grade. Children spend the week learning a musical with biblical principles and then present it on the Sunday evening following camp.